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March 15 - Traditional Indulgence of the day!


We are evaluating old indulgences that have been approve on todays date of: 



List of Traditional materials we will be looking at today, and the current/withstanding grants that they satisfy (directly or indirectly).

  • 73. Jesus, Son of David

    • partial indulgence… Grant DM

  • 155. Let the receiving

    • partial indulgence… Grant 15

  • 235. Sacred Heart of Jesus, mayest Thou

    • partial indulgence… General Grant 1

  • 410. Prayer - Most holy Virgin of Cenacle

    • partial indulgence… Grant 17

  • 662. A Prayer - O Jesus, friend of little children

    • partial indulgence… Grant 15


  • Every prayer may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under Grant 15.

  • Every invocation may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under ‘General Grant ’ 1 

  • Every practice may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if it is applied correctly, under one of the ‘General Grant’s 2, 3, or 4

  • Some spelling errors may be present.

  • Abbreviations that are found at the end of an indulgence prayer/practice (like S. P. Ap., and S. C. Ind.,) are, in essence, a specific ecclesiastical approval for a particular indulgence.

  • Traditional indulgences are ordered by their last date of approval.

  • The full written outline of the requirements for a partial or plenary indulgence, found at the end of an indulgence prayer/practice, may be omitted if not all of the information is unique or notable. (You will see three dots when there is a break in text …)

CHAPTER III. “GOD THE SON” – Art. I. “THE LORD JESUS CHRIST” – I. Ejaculations and Invocations.

73. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me (Luke 18, 38). An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence on the usualconditions, if the daily recitation of this invocation is continued for a month (S. C. Ind., Feb. 27, 1886; S. P. Ap., March 15, 1934).

The most recent indulgence Grant (we will refer to it as Grant DM) is based on Christ’s Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy Sunday. These invocations, since they are themed towards trusting in the Divine Mercy of Christ, would be a good for this Grant. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: a partial indulgence, granted to the faithful who, at least with a contrite heart, pray to the

merciful Lord Jesus a legitimately approved invocation.

P.S. because this is also a scripture verse it is applicable for a partial indulgence under Grant 30.



155. Let the receiving of Thy Body, O Lord Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, do presume to receive, turn not to me for judgment and condemnation, but, according to Thy mercy, let it be profitable to me for the receiving of protection and healing, both of soul and body: Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen (Roman Missal). An indulgence of 5 years. A plenary indulgence, upon the addition of sacramental confession, a visit to a church or public oratory, and prayer for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff, if they have recited this prayer in a spirit of devotion every day for an entire month (S. P. Ap., Mar. 15, 1935).

Currently indulgences are only offered for Prayers of Thanksgiving AFTER communion, and no longer before. However, This prayer could still be used, and used before receiving communion, and it would likely apply under a more generalized Grant. For example, General Grant 4, concerning the explicit witness of one’s faith before others.

Otherwise this Grant can be safely placed under Grant 15. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who for their personal edification devoutly spend time in mental prayer.


CHAPTER III. ‘GOD THE SON’ – Art. VII. “THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS” – I. Ejaculations and Invocations

235. Sacred Heart of Jesus, mayest Thou be known, loved, and imitated! An indulgence of 300 days once a day (S. P. Ap., March 15, 1918).

Every invocation may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under ‘General Grant’ 1. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, while carrying out their duties and enduring the hardships of life, raise their minds in humble trust to God and make, at least mentally, some pious invocation.



410. Prayer - Most holy Virgin of Cenacle, our Mother, Mary immaculate, obtain for us, we humbly pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that we may live in charity and persevere with one accord in prayer, under thy guidance and teaching, to the greater glory of God, and that we may labor both by word and work for the salvation of souls and may deserve to enter into everlasting life.

Graciously be near us, O our Lady of the Cenacle, in our present needs, and succor us by thy power, that Almighty God may be pleased to grant us, through thy pleading, the favor for which we earnestly pray. Amen. An indulgence of 500 days (S. C. Ind., Dec. 14, 1889; S. P. Ap., March 15, 1934)

This prayer is granted a partial indulgence under Grant 17, because it has been “approved” at least once. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly address the Blessed Virgin Mary with some approved prayer

P.S. Prayers may be said on the memorial of any saint listed in the calendar recite, according to Grant 21. This would offer the opportunity for a partial indulgence. Prayers for this Grant must be “approved by legitimate authority.” Therefore, this prayer would be a valid option in honor of the Marian feast: the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Cenacle



662. A Prayer - O Jesus, friend of little children, Thou who, from Thy tenderest years, didst manifestly grow in wisdom and grace, before God and men; Thou who, at the age of twelve years, sitting in the temple in the midst of the Doctors, didst listen to them with attention, didst ask questions of them in all humility, and didst win their admiration by the prudence and wisdom of Thy words; Thou who didst receive the little children so gladly, blessing them and saying to Thine Apostles: "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven," inspire me, even as Thou didst inspire Saint Peter Canisius, the model and guide of the perfect catechist, with a deep respect and holy affection for little children, sincere zeal and devotion in teaching them the elements of Christian doctrine, and a special aptitude for making them understand its mysteries and love its beauty. I ask it of Thee, my Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. An indulgence of 300 days once a day (Pius X, Rescript in his own hand, Now. 23, 1906, exhib. March 15, 1907)

Every prayer may be eligible for a partial indulgence, under Grant 15. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who for their personal edification devoutly spend time in mental prayer.

P.S. I think that it’s worth noting that under Grant 5, a partial indulgence is available for those who pray for the intentions of ‘DAYS DESIGNATED UNIVERSALLY FOR A CERTAIN RELIGIOUS INTENTION.’ The first “World Children's Day” took place on 25 and 26 May 2024, and may be repeated. There is also “World Youth Day” in November.

Prayers for universal intentions do not need to be approved, nor (as far as I know) do they have to be said on that universally designated day. So maybe this prayer can be used for this Grant?

P.S. Because this prayer names Saint Peter Canisius, it should be applicable to be said on his memorial, according to Grant 21. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who on the memorial of any saint listed in the calendar recite in that saint’s honor the prayer taken from the Missal or another one approved by legitimate authority.

This concluded the Traditional Indulgences

Every prayer/practice that we evaluated today is taken from the last approved publication of the Raccolta. The Raccolta was once the official book/document/list of approved Indulgences. In its last publication there were 780+ individualized prayers/practices that were approved for gaining indulgences.

In 1967 indulgence practices were revised so that indulgences are now, today, granted more in the style of “category” of prayers/practices rather than individually. This leaves me with the question: how do the indulgenced prayers/practices from the Raccolta (traditional indulgence) line up with the indulgences of today? That question is what this “study” seeks to answer.


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