A necessary notice for the publication of Indulgence-related material
In accordance to current Indulgence Norm 11 (N11.) it is stated:
1. The express permission of the Apostolic See is required to publish the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum [aka. Manual of Indulgences, Handbook of Indulgences] in any language.
2. No booked, leaflets, and the like, which contain grants of indulgences, may be published without permission of the local ordinary or hierarch.
"Lawful Publishing"
Hello to all! What a way to jump into indulgences! As you have just read, the Church has placed guidelines for the 'lawful publishing' of Indulgence-related materials. This certainly is not meant to kill any conversation about indulgences and how to apply them to daily life, but is more so an official revision/clarification designed to protection the integrity of indulgences.
Blog Intentions
None the less, I thought it was important to state a disclaimer; that it is not my intention to step over officials or pile on additional teachings to what has already been approved. I do not hope to jeopardize the practice of indulgences in any way. Rather, I hope to unpack and examine the often dense information that has been given to us, the Church Body. Some of my personal thoughts and/or experiences may be jotted down with the unpacking simply to explain where my train of thought is going on how indulgences can be applied to daily life, but anything extra like this is meant to be merely a pondering point or a conversation piece.
Speaking of conversation, if you have any Questions or Conversation points you would like to share, there are a couple chat buttons (to contact me) and comment sections floating around for that. in this way, hopefully we can work through any questions or thoughts that you may be having trouble with regarding indulgences and how to practice them.
Please remain respectful as inappropriate texts or attitudes will not be tolerated.
Just a Moment! - Before you click away!
Before you click away, back into the body of this site, I want to explain just a few things that might help you navigate indulgences better. Please bear with me.
1. What is the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum? [aka. Manual of Indulgences, Handbook of Indulgences] - This is a book title of officially approved information regarding Indulgences of the Catholic Church. This book will be both referenced and recommended again and again throughout this site as it is the most up to date compilation of Indulgence information to date. Look for the title: Manual of Indulgences, with a Publication date of January 1, 2006. Older versions of this book may have slightly different wording or numarical shifted. Do not rely on books published in years prior to 1967 or if a book pairs a numerical/quantitative value to individual indulgences. The Church went through a revision and such books are "notwithstanding".
2. Who is the Apostolic [Holy] See? - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gives this explanation: The Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes, "holy chair") is the episcopal jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome. It is the preeminent episcopal see of the Catholic Church, forming the central government of the Church. As such, diplomatically, and in other spheres the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Roman Catholic Church. It is also recognized by other subjects of international law as a sovereign entity, headed by the Pope, with which diplomatic relations can be maintained. Whooh! Can you see why perhaps a more lay-person friendly interpretation might be nice to have along side these dense statements!? Certainly this topic will be covered more at another time, but all you need to know for now is that the Holy See is a title given to the 'governing body' of the Catholic Church. It is this governing body that authorizes the official documentation and appropriate practice of Indulgences.
Linked here is a Free PDF of the Manual of Indulgences provided on a website called "holyjoe". This is not the most recent publication, but for all intents and purposes it should work.
Thank You for Your Time. Continue on.