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March 5-6 - Traditional Indulgence of the day!


We are evaluating old indulgences that have been approve on todays date of: 


5 & 6

List of Traditional materials we will be looking at today, and the current/withstanding grants that they satisfy (directly or indirectly).

  • 100. O Jesus, my Saviour

    • partial indulgence… Grant 15

  • 281. May our hearts be cleansed

    • partial indulgence… General Grant 1

  • 499. A Prayer to St. Ignatius Loyola and St. Francis Xavier

    • partial indulgence… Grant 21


  • Every prayer may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under Grant 15.

  • Every invocation may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under ‘General Grant ’ 1 

  • Every practice may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if it is applied correctly, under one of the ‘General Grant’s 2, 3, or 4

  • Some spelling errors may be present.

  • Abbreviations that are found at the end of an indulgence prayer/practice (like S. P. Ap., and S. C. Ind.,) are, in essence, a specific ecclesiastical approval for a particular indulgence.

  • Traditional indulgences are ordered by their last date of approval.

  • The full written outline of the requirements for a partial or plenary indulgence, found at the end of an indulgence prayer/practice, may be omitted if not all of the information is unique or notable. (You will see three dots when there is a break in text …)


100. O Jesus, my Saviour and Redeemer, Son of the living God, behold we kneel before Thee and offer Thee our reparation; we would make amends for all the blasphemies uttered against Thy holy Name, for all the injuries done to Thee in the Blessed Sacrament, for all the irreverence shown toward Thine immaculate Virgin Mother, for all the calumnies and slanders spoken against Thy spouse, the holy Catholic and Roman Church. O Jesus, who hast said: "If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it you", we pray and beseech Thee for all our brethren who are in danger of sin; shield them from every temptation to fall away from the true faith; save those who are even now standing on the brink of the abyss; to all of them give light and knowledge of the truth, courage and strength for the conflict with evil, perseverance in faith and active charity! For this do we pray, most merciful Jesus, in Thy Name, unto God the Father, with whom Thou livest and reignest in the unity of the Holy Ghost world without end. Amen. An indulgence of 500 days once a day. A plenary indulgence once a mouth, on the usual conditions, when this prayer has been said devoutly every day (S. C. Ind., May 13, 1903; S. P. Ap., March 5, 1936).

Every prayer may be eligible for a partial indulgence, under Grant 15. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who for their personal edification devoutly spend time in mental prayer.



281. May our hearts be cleansed, Lord, by the inpouring of the Holy Spirit, and may He render them fruitful by watering them with His heavenly dew (Roman Missal). An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions for the daily recital of this invocation for a month (S. P. Ap., March 5, 1941).

Every invocation may be eligible for a partial indulgence, if applied correctly, under ‘General Grant’ 1. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, while carrying out their duties and enduring the hardships of life, raise their minds in humble trust to God and make, at least mentally, some pious invocation.


CHAPTER VII. - “THE SAINTS” – Art. IV “IN HONOR OF OTHER SAINTS” – IV. Saint Ignatius Loyola, Confessor

499. A PRAYER TO ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA AND ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, CONFESSORS - Ye mighty heroes of the Christian faith, most worthy of our love, Saint Ignatius and Saint Francis, not only were you intimately associated here below in the same bonds of religion to procure the greater glory of God, but you also merited to be raised on the same day to the honors of our altars: obtain for me, your humble and devoted servant, the singular grace of knowing and loving the Lord Jesus in deed and in truth, that so, being faithful and constant in imitating your example, I may desire and seek, above every thing created, the eternal salvation of my soul and of all them that have been redeemed in the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. Amen. An indulgence of 300 days. A plenary indulgence once a month, on the usual conditions, for the daily recitation of this prayer with devotion (S. P. Ap., March 6, 1922).

Approved prayers may be said on the memorial of any saint listed in the calendar, according to Grant 21. Please Note: this prayer addresses two saints, and so it should be good to use on both of their feast days. The specific reference in the 'Manuel of Indulgences' is as follows: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who on the memorial of any saint listed in the calendar recite in that saint’s honor the prayer taken from the Missal or another one approved by legitimate authority.

This concluded the Traditional Indulgences

Every prayer/practice that we evaluated today is taken from the last approved publication of the Raccolta. The Raccolta was once the official book/document/list of approved Indulgences. In its last publication there were 780+ individualized prayers/practices that were approved for gaining indulgences.

In 1967 indulgence practices were revised so that indulgences are now, today, granted more in the style of “category” of prayers/practices rather than individually. This leaves me with the question: how do the indulgenced prayers/practices from the Raccolta (traditional indulgence) line up with the indulgences of today? That question is what this “study” seeks to answer.


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